Two Month Update

February 22, 2018



Two months. Wow.

I can’t decide if these last two months have flown by or have been the longest two months ever. Isn’t it weird how that happens? There was this sweet video circulating a little while back that I think describes it perfectly.  The nights are so very long, but the years are so very short. Aaand now I’m tearing up, I knew I shouldn’t have watched that video again!

I digress,

Here we are with a two month old. My heart has been stretched in ways I never knew possible. From our stay in the NICU to our first Holidays with a baby to her precious first  real smiles. Each day holds something new and special. It’s time I do a little bit of an update at least! So here’s how things have been going.

  • Eating

I’m so very thankful this has gone well for us. It took a bit of work to get her to breastfeed after her myriad of eating methods in the hospital, but once she got it she GOT it. She’s been a great little eater ever since. I still have some pain on and off. The pain has gone away so I know it doesn’t have to hurt. I need to get my booty to the lactation support group at the hospital. I will!

  • Sleeping

Ah sleep, how I long for you! First I will say, Kennedy has done an amazing job at sleeping during the night so I will not complain. She’s been pretty consistent with only waking once in the middle of the night to eat and sleeping until around 6am. We have  our rough nights for sure, but that’s not the norm, praise God. Now day time sleep is another animal. I noticed right away that she seemed very gassy and uncomfortable and around the two week mark, her diapers changed drastically (I’ll spare you the details). She spit up a large to excessive amount and most days she wouldn’t sleep much, if at all. One day she was awake for 16 hours straight. 16 hours! She would occasionally drift off to sleep, but almost immediately crunch up her face and body and start crying. She looked miserable. I spoke with our pediatrician multiple times about it and was assured it was totally normal. Finally she developed a rash from head to toe and was so itchy so I went back in and asked for a different Dr. This pediatrician thankfully found these symptoms to not be normal and sent us to a GI. Since then I have cut out dairy and soy and started to notice a huge difference in her demeanor, sleep, and her rash has cleared up. Let me tell you, I went into this saying I’m not going to be the person who has to change up their whole diet for a “sensitivity”. Well, here I am. The mom with the weird diet. But it’s so worth it. It was so hard to see her so upset. I’m looking forward to the day I can enjoy my favorite food again (cheese), but for now I am enjoying my baby who is actually comfortably taking a solid nap or two during the day.

  • Growing

These last two months, Kennedy has grown like a champ. She was born a decent size and has stayed that way! She’s been in the 60-80 percentiles for everything since birth. Then these last few weeks she shot up and is now over almost 100% in height. Have I mentioned dad is 6’4″??

  • Accomplishments

Does making it through another day count? Ha! Like I said, each day is a new adventure especially this last month. She is learning new facial expressions and becoming more chatty by the minute. If you’ve had a baby you know (hopefully it’s not just me) that being pretty tethered to the house on a tight 3 hour eating schedule, life can get a little, well, boring. So it’s the fun new little discoveries every day that fill those moments and help keep me sane! We’ve been working on tummy time…of course, but she still pretty much hating it. Maybe she’s just not big on workouts quite yet. We’ll get there.

  • Likes

Music, bath time, dad, walks (sometimes), eating (always)

Bath time!
  • Dislikes

Diaper changes, tummy time, the hours from 5-7pm


These first two months with Kennedy have been the biggest and most rewarding thing I have done so far. I’m so thankful for this little girl and the support of our family and friends which has gotten us through! Here’s to the next few months and maybe starting her baby book before she’s 18!


I’ll end with a random phone photo dump!

She looks so tiny here!

two months
Sometimes you just need a good cry
This is an accurate picture of us, always
Christmas Eve
Hooray for one month
Tummy time with friends
Ready for the beach!

two months
Current favorite

And now for some faces

two months